Peoplewho are too concerned with how well they are doing will be less successfuland feel less competent than those who focus on the task itself... Somepsychologists call it a conflict between egoorientation,or between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation…
I’mwillin’ for any solution — religious, political. I’m not going to keepofferin’ to negotiate so much because they turn us down each time. Itindicates a weakness on our part.
Compromise,n. Such an adjustment of conflicting interests as gives each adversary thesatisfaction of thinking he has got what he ought not to have, and isdeprived of nothing except what was justly his due.
Usenon-verbal communication to SOFTEN the hard-line position of others: S =Smile, O = Open, Posture, F = Forward Lean, T = Touch, E = Eye Contact, N =Nod.