Thegreatest lesson in

Thegreatest lesson in
Thegreatest lesson in life is to know that even fools are right sometimes.

Jan, 21 2012     74 chars (1 sms)     661 views       Quotes

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Expreince never helps us avoid doing something foolish; it merely prevents us from enjoying it.
Whoever is winning the race will always seem to be invincible.
Whohath not known ill fortune, never knew himself, or his own virtue.
Gossip is that which no one claims to like-but everybody enjoys.
Alwaysforgive your enemies. Nothing annoys them so much.
Trust exists; only lies are invented.
Men of genius are admired, men of wealth are envied, menof power are feared; but only men of character are trusted.
Power never takes a back step only in the face of morepower.
Words are like spears: Once they leave your lips they can never come back.
Consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.
We gain freedom when we have paid full price for our right to live.
Only hethat has traveled the road knows where the holes are deep.