I hope our wisdom

I hope our wisdom
I hope our wisdom will grow with our power, and teach us,that the less we use our power the greater it will be.

Jan, 20 2012     111 chars (1 sms)     682 views       Quotes

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Insteadof suppressing conflicts, specific channels could be created to make thisconflict explicit, and specific methods could be set up by which the conflictis resolved.
An expert is a man, who dosent has all the answers, but he is sure that if that he is given enough money he can find them.
A danger forseen is half avoided.
There is a sweet joy that comes to us after sorrow.
Sometimesyou have to be silent to be heard.
Wisdom requires that we pour a little oil of delicate courtesy on the wheels of friendship.
The major cause of traffic accidents is that men put into their cars as much ego as petrol.
Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be won, through understanding. Our longingfor understandingis Eternal.
The true test of intelligence is not how much people know how to do, but how they behave when they don't know what to do.
The strongest is never strong enough to be always, the master, unless he transforms strength into right, and obedience into duty.
Science has promised us truth. It has never promised us either peace or happiness.
Speakwhen you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret.