Whenevertwo good

Whenevertwo good
Whenevertwo good people argue over principles, they are both right.

Jan, 20 2012     67 chars (1 sms)     719 views       Quotes

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We do not err because the truth is difficult to see. We err because this is more comfortable
Standingin the middle of the road is very dangerous; you get knocked down by thetraffic from both sides.
Civilization, in a sly way, is a suspicion that the other fellow may be right.
If wemanage conflict constructively, we harness its energy for creativity and development.
Labour with what zeal we will. Something still remains undone.
You can't unscramble an egg.
A barking dog is often more useful than a sleeping lion.
Life cannot go on without much forgetting.
Education is the chief defence of a Nation.
None but the productive can be strong; and none but the strong can be free.
It's better to let someone think you are an Idiot than to open your mouth and prove it.
Deep-seatedpreferences cannot be argued about.