Almost all four faults

Almost all four faults
Almost all four faults are more pardonable than the methods we think up to hide them

Jan, 21 2012     84 chars (1 sms)     796 views       Quotes

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Power is no blessing in itself, except when it is used toprotect the innocent.
As if you could kill time without injuring eternity.
Concentrated power is not rendered harmless by the goodintentions of those who create it.
Almost all of our relationships begin and most of them continue as forms of mutual exploitation, a mental or physical barter, to be terminated when one or both parties run out of goods.
When aman says that he approves something in principle, it means he hasn't theslightest intention of putting it in practice.
Don'thate, it's too big a burden to bear.
Learning, the destroyer of arrogance, begets arrogance in fools, even as light that illumines the eye, makes owls blind.
In oneof our concert grand pianos, 243 taut strings exert a pull of 40,000 poundson an iron frame. It is proof that out of great tension may come great harmony.
You gotto be very careful if you don't know where you're going, because you mightnot get there.
A caricature is always ture only for an instant.
Boredom is a vital problem for the moralist, since atleast half the sins of mankind are caused by the fear of it.
Conflictis the gadfly of thought. It stirs us to observation and memory. Itinstigates to invention. It shocks us out of sheeplikepassivity, and sets us at noting and contriving.