No manever did a

No manever did a
No manever did a designed injury to another, but at the same time he did a greaterto himself .

Jan, 20 2012     94 chars (1 sms)     738 views       Quotes

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Youdon't run twenty-six miles at five minutes a mile on good looks and a secretrecipe.
Power is a little like alcohol: the faster it is consumed, the more quickly it affects the brain.
Every kind of peaceful cooperation among men is primarily basedon mutual trust and only secondarily on institutions such as courts ofjustice and police.
Suspicion begets suspicion.
The measure of a man is what he does with power.
Poetry is the impish attempt to paint the colour of the wind.
I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure yourealize that what you heard isn't what I meant.
Mediocrity knows nothing higher than itself, but talent instantly recognises genius.
You can be erudite with knowledge of others; you can be wise only with your wisdom.
The civilisation of one epoch becomes the manure of the next.
You gotto be very careful if you don't know where you're going, because you mightnot get there.
Alwaysforgive your enemies. Nothing annoys them so much.