A taste for truth

A taste for truth
A taste for truth at any cost is a passion which spares nothing:

Jan, 20 2012     64 chars (1 sms)     707 views       Quotes

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Assumptionof cooperative goals leads to viewing the conflict as a common problem to besolved for mutual benefit.
Nothing has happend to you unless you make much of it.
Everyoneis kneaded out of the same dough but not baked in the same oven.
The laws of life are founded on necessity, its charms on the non-essentials.
Slander cannot destroy an honest man: when the flood recedes the rock is there.
Thefibers of all things have their tension and are strained like the strings ofan instrument.
Little things console us because little things afflict us.
Life, Like a child, laughs shaking its rattle of death as it runs.
Suffering is the sole origin of consciousness.
There is all the difference in the world between having something to say and havingto say something.
Ninety-ninepercent of all problems in communications start with misunderstandings whichdevelop as a result of differing viewpoints and conditioning.
Zeal is fit only for wise men but is found mostly infools.