Everything is funny

Everything is funny
Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else. -Will Rogers

Jan, 20 2012     77 chars (1 sms)     906 views       Quotes

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Each time we read, a seed is sown for the future.
An individual without information can't takeresponsibility. An individual with information can't help but takeresponsibility.
Only hethat has traveled the road knows where the holes are deep.
A mistake in judgement isn't fatal, but too much anxiety about judgement is.
Thepessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunityin every difficulty.
Allthings are ready, if our minds be so.
Thedifference between the right word and the almost right word is the differencebetween lightning and a lightning bug.
Nothing doth more hurt in a state that cunning men pass for wise.
Glory is a poison that can only be taken in small doses.
Oppositesattract and then can't stand each other.
A lie has no leg, but a scandel has wings
All the power that we exercise over others depends on thepower we exercise over ourselves.