The man who

The man who
The man who opts for revenge should dig two graves.

Jan, 20 2012     51 chars (1 sms)     892 views       Quotes

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Don'thate, it's too big a burden to bear.
We knowwhat happens to people who stay in the middle of the road. They get run over.
If you are standing upright, don't worry if your shadow is crooked.
Fortunatelypsychoanalysis is not the only way to resolve inner conflicts. Life itselfstill remains a very effective therapist.
Cooperativeconflict builds people up, strengthens their relationships, and gets thingsdone.
The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn.
Thespirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.
We have, I fear, confused power with greatness.
If you arepatient in a moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow.
The more we see, the more we shall be able to imagine, and the more we imagine, the more we must think we see.
When you hear the word 'Invietable' watch out! An enemy of humanity has identified himself.
Silenceis foolish if we are wise, but wise if we are foolish.