If ever in your life, youre very sad & lonely& feel that you have lost everything. Ill come, hold your hand, take you for a walk on a bridge .. & show you where to jump!!!
When I cry no 1 see my tears..when I m woried none see my pain..when I m happy none see my smile..But Yaar1 Ladki ke sath ghuma to saala sabne dekh liya.!
Prayer of an ideal son: Dear God, thx 4 all d blesings u hv bestowed upon me. I wont ask anythin 4 myslf, plz jst giv my parents a really hot daughter-in-law
My Mobile had an Accident with NOKIA. Admitted in LG Hospital, Samsung Nagar, BSNL Chok, opp. SONY gali. Dr. MOTOROLA says matter is serious. Plzzz Donate SMS