Y word 'Women' begin

Y word 'Women' begin
Y word 'Women' begin with a 'W' ?Bcoz all major Questions begin with 'W'.What ?Why?Where?When?Who?Whom?With Whom?Which??

Jan, 13 2012     120 chars (1 sms)     810 views       Funny

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Hey can u do me a favour, take a pic of urself n send me it, i'm playin cards n i'm missin the joker!!
Several women appeared in court, each accusing the other of the trouble in the flat where they lived. The judge called for orderly testimony. "I'll hear the oldest first," he decreed. The case was closed for lack of evidence.
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A depressed person got connected 2 a call center in Pakistan.He said he was on the verge of suicide.They got excited and askd...Can u fly a plane...?!--