College is for knowledge, knowledge is for life, Life is for wife, but wife is a knife which cuts your life, So never choose your wife in college life..
While walking down the street, I heard an old man say "I've been in love with the same woman for almost 50 years now." I was touched until I heard him say "I wish she knew."
What men want? A woman who can cook, a woman who earns good money, a woman who loves him & a system to make sure that those women never meet each other.
Phone na kia karo DEAR Mama hoti hain NEAR Papa se lagta hai FEAR Bat nahi hoti CLEAR Dewaro k b hote hain EAR Isliye SMS karo DEAR no FEAR n everything CLEAR
No matter how high the sky is, How deep the ocean is, How strong the wind is, How wide the river is, I just want to tell YOU…. They’re none of YOUR BUSINESS