Beautiful young people are

Beautiful young people are
Beautiful young people are accidents of nature, Beautiful old people are works of art.

Jan, 21 2012     86 chars (1 sms)     818 views       Quotes

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Ability is poor men's wealth
A man is but a product of his thoughts; what he thinks, that he becomes
Thedifference between the right word and the almost right word is the differencebetween lightning and a lightning bug.
We have, I fear, confused power with greatness.
Genius is a long impatience.
Aclosed mind is like a closed book; just a block of wood.
Can we do good to the world? In an absolute sense, no; in a relative sense, yes.
You can outdistance that which is running after you, but not what is running insideyou.
A status symbol is an instrument you clash when you want someone to know you are there.
When you hear the word 'Invietable' watch out! An enemy of humanity has identified himself.
Faith is continuation of reason.
Worry is a circle of inefficient thoughts whirling about a point of fear.