Knowlege is two

Knowlege is two
Knowlege is two-fold, and consists not only an affirmation of what is true, but in the negation of that which is faise

Jan, 21 2012     118 chars (1 sms)     878 views       Quotes

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Words are like spears: Once they leave your lips they can never come back.
The art of showmanship is to give the public what is wants just before it knows what it wants.
I don't like that man. I'm going to have to get to knowhim better.
Everyoneis wise until he speaks.
It ishard to change our point of view in a conflict. Most often, it is because weare not nearly as interested in resolving the conflict and possibly creatinga new ‘pearl’ as we are in being right.
Conflictisn't negative, it just is.
Adversityis the foundation of virtue.
It doesnot do to leave a Dragon out of your calculations, if you live near him.
Adversity introduces a man to himself.
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Oppositesattract and then can't stand each other.
You can't unscramble an egg.