Pain is the outcome of sin.

Pain is the outcome of sin.
Pain is the outcome of sin.

Jan, 21 2012     27 chars (1 sms)     703 views       Quotes

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Buying ischeaper than asking.
Resolvingconflict is rarely about who is right. It is about acknowledgment andappreciation of differences.
A man of courage is also full of faith.
Thework will teach you how to do it.
Only few men think, but all have opinions.
A large ocean liner was headed across the Atlantic fromPortsmouth to New York. As it neared its destination at night, a lookout onthe wing of the bridge reported, ‘Light, bearing on the starboardbow.’‘Is it steady or moving astern?’ the captain called out
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One should never rub bottoms with a porcupine.
Remember when feminisit movements were something men gathered on street corners to admire as the girls strolled by
Show me a man who cannot bother to do little things andI'll show you a man who cannot be trusted to do big things.