Some people suffer

Some people suffer
Some people suffer in silence louder than others

Jan, 21 2012     48 chars (1 sms)     671 views       Quotes

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Anyonewho conducts an argument by appealing to authority is not using his intelligence,just his memory.
The property of power is to protect.
If your mouth turns into a knife, it will cut off yourlips.
Power is not a means, it is an end. One does not establisha dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolutionin order to establish the dictatorship.
Long-rangeplanning works best in the short term.
Firstkeep the peace within yourself, then you can alsobring peace to others.
A man has no ears for that to which experience has given no access.
Twobirds disputed about a kernel, when a third swooped down and carried it off.
Duringa negotiation, it would be wise not to take anything personally. If you leavepersonalities out of it, you will be able to see opportunities moreobjectively.
Experience is a hard teacher because SHE gives the test first, the lesson afterwards.
Speak whenyou are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret.
A half-truth won for ourselves is worth more than a whole truth learned from others.