It isdifficult to

It isdifficult to
It isdifficult to negotiate where neither will trust.

Jan, 21 2012     53 chars (1 sms)     670 views       Quotes

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Pleasure is the sincerest compliment.
Conflictlies at the core of innovation.
Thereward for always listening when you'd rather be talking is wisdom.
Usenon-verbal communication to SOFTEN the hard-line position of others: S =Smile, O = Open, Posture, F = Forward Lean, T = Touch, E = Eye Contact, N =Nod.
Genius is a long impatience.
Conflictcan be seen as a gift of energy, in which neither sideloses and a new dance is created.
Non-cooperationis a measure of discipline and sacrifice, and it demands respect for theopposite views.
Virtue is more clearly shown in the performance of fire actions than in the non-preformance of base ones.
Successis blocked by concentrating on it and planning for it ... Success is shy itwon't come out while you're watching.
Well-managed,cooperative conflict contributes to the productivity and innovativeness oforganizations and the competence and well-being of people.
Most of our so-called reasoning consists in finding arguments for going on believingas we already do.
When indoubt, ask. When not in doubt, ask. If you are not in doubt, you may bekidding yourself.