Stability is not

Stability is not
Stability is not immobility

Jan, 21 2012     27 chars (1 sms)     696 views       Quotes

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One person with a belief is a social power equal to nintynine who have only interest.
Talkingmuch about oneself may be a way of hiding oneself.
Theability to speak eloquently is not to be confused with having something tosay.
When the defects of others are percieved with so much clarity, it is because one possesses with oneself.
Miracles enables us to judge of doctrine and doctrine enable us to judge of miracles.
I said to the almond tree, ‘'Friend, speak to me of God,’' and the almond treeblossomed.
Humour is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility.
The power to do good is also the power to do harm.
Never trust the advice of a man in difficulties.
One of the function of intelligence is to take account of the dangers that come from trusting solely to the intelligence.
In anyfree society, the conflict between social conformity and individual libertyis permanent, unresolvable, and necessary.
Symanpathy is a supporting atmosphere, and in it we unfold easily and well