The first duty of

The first duty of
The first duty of love is to listen.

Jan, 21 2012     36 chars (1 sms)     889 views       Quotes

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A man of courage is also full of faith.
Peoplespend a lifetime searching for happiness; looking for peace. They chase idledreams, addictions, religions, even other people, hoping to fill theemptiness that plagues them. The irony is the only place they ever needed tosearch was within.
You're ina much better position to talk with people when they approach you than whenyou approach them.
Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret.
A pessimist sees only the dark side of the clouds, and mopes; a philosopher sees both sides, and shrugs; an optimist doesn't care. Momentum is wht it wants to gather.
The surest way to remain poor is to be an honest man.
There isnothing so disagreeable, that a patient mind cannot find some solace for it.
Every man is wanted; and no man is wanted much.
The cause of liberty becomes a mockery if the price to be paid is the wholesale destruction of those who are to enjoy liberty.
Nothing so wonderfully concentrates the mind as theprospect of a hanging.
Prayer changes things by changing people.
Aproblem is a chance for you to do your best.