Thewill to win is

Thewill to win is
Thewill to win is worthless if you do not have the will to prepare.
Beforeyou build a better mousetrap, make sure you have some mice out there.

Jan, 21 2012     143 chars (1 sms)     613 views       Quotes

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Thesingle most powerful tool for winning a negotiation is the ability to get upand walk away from the table without a deal.
Everytime we read, a seed is sown for the future.
Before youbuild a better mousetrap, make sure you have some mice out there.
Learning must be had, but in the second place, as subsequent only to greater qualities.
It isdifficult to negotiate where neither will trust.
To be preparedis half the victory.
Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to see it tried onhim personally.
Melancholy is the joy of being said.
The greatest virtue of man is perhaps curiosity.
He whocannot cut the bread evenly cannot get on well with people.
I think we may safely trust a good deal more than we do.
Assumptionof cooperative goals leads to viewing the conflict as a common problem to besolved for mutual benefit.