Concentrated power

Concentrated power
Concentrated power is not rendered harmless by the goodintentions of those who create it.

Jan, 20 2012     89 chars (1 sms)     840 views       Quotes

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Bythree methods we may learn wisdom: first, by reflection, which is noblest;second, imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is thebitterest.
Trust begets trust and untrust begets untrust. It'snatural.
In history, characters and events occur twice, first as tragedy then as farce.
Enthusiasm is faith set on fire.
The planers do not make or mar our destiny. we are the makers of our destiny.
Life imitates art far more that art imitates life.
Any child who has parents who are interested in him and has a house full of books isin't poor.
Happiness is a choice that requires affort at times.
There are two kind of people, those who do the work and those who take the credit. try to be in the first group; there is a less competition there.
A good conscience is the best divinity.
The wise man reads both books and life itself.
Don'twrestle a pig in a mud hole. You both get all dirty, and the pig enjoys it.