Given afair wind, we will negotiate our way into the Common Market, head held high,not crawling in. Negotiations? Yes. Unconditional acceptance of whateverterms are offered us? No.
In oneof our concert grand pianos, 243 taut strings exert a pull of 40,000 poundson an iron frame. It is proof that out of great tension may come greatharmony.
Thoroughnesscharacterizes all successful men. Genius is the art of taking infinite pains.All great achievement has been characterized by extreme care, infinitepainstaking, even to the minutest detail.
People whoare too concerned with how well they are doing will be less successful andfeel less competent than those who focus on the task itself... Somepsychologists call it a conflict between egoorientation, or between extrinsicand intrinsic motivation...
Believing that soom good can be derived from every event is a better preposition than that everything happens for the best, which is assuredly does not.