7 is grt number.7 colours make RAINBOW.7 swara make MUSIC.7 days make WEEK.7 fere make LIFE PARTNER.7 letters make FRIENDS.& 7 means SATH.Hpy..07.07.07.
Woman has "man" in it.Mrs has "Mr" in it, Female has "Male" in it, She has "He" in it and Madam had "Adam" in it. No wonder Man always wants to be inside" Woman."""""""""""
ABCD ATI HAI AGAR ATI BHI HOGI TO AISI NAHI ATI HOGI : A Aristocrat B Bagpiper C Contessa D Director special E Eight Pm F Fun drop G God father H Haywards I Imperial blue J Johnny walker K King fisher L Lime drop M Mughal monarch N Nicolase No. 1 O Old monk P Peter scot R Royal stag S Signature T Teacher's scott U Uni boul V Vat 69 W White hall X XXX rum Y Yankey Z Zingaro Nasha hua ya nahin . . .
Dnt give Importance 2 MONEY. Bcoz it Can giv Bed but nt SLEEP,Books but nt BRAINS,Cloth bt not BEAUTY, Luxuries bt not HAPPINES.So transfr it to My A/c.
U Look at the Ocean, see GOD's Abundance ! U Look at the Sky, see GOD's Wonder ! U Look at the Moon, see GOD's Glory ! And when U Look at the Mirror, see GOD's BLUNDER