Definition of Globalization: Princess Diana , an English princess with an Egyptian boyfriend crashes in a French tunnel, while traveling in a German car.
BALANCE SHEET of Life:Birth- Opening. Balance. Death- Closing Bal.Soul- Fixed Asset.Brain- F.D. Heart- Current Asset.Idea- Current A/C.Achievment- Capital.Character- Clossng. Stock.Friends - Gen. Reserve.Behaviour-Goodwill.Patience - Interest Earned.Love- Dividend.Children- Bonus. IssueEducation-PatentsWisdom-Investment.Exp.- Premium A/C.WISH YOU A HAPPY NEW FINANCIAL YEAR
Thought for the day , Never cry when you are in LOVE.B’coz for thee one whom you cry, doesn’t deserve your tears.And the one who deserves it, will never let you CRY….