Santa: I am so miser (kanjoos) that I went alone for my honeymoon and saved half the money. Bania: That is nothing, I saved full money. I sent my wife for honeymoon with a friend.
I mixed RUM in water and got drunk. I mixed BRANDY in water and got drunk. I mixed WHISKY in water and got drunk again. Now I have decided never to drink water again !!!
He made a local call Sardar wanted to make a std. call to punjab, He wanted to save money so what did he do? Simple, he went to punjab and made a local call.
Ur very specil for me, i'm very concerned abt ur safety . But i can't be with u always . So please , take care me yourself when u Jump from 1 Tree 2 another!
Prayer of an ideal son: Dear God, thx 4 all d blesings u hv bestowed upon me. I wont ask anythin 4 myslf, plz jst giv my parents a really hot daughter-in-law