A half-truth won for

A half-truth won for
A half-truth won for ourselves is worth more than a whole truth learned from others.

Jan, 21 2012     84 chars (1 sms)     1009 views       Quotes

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I am atpeace with God. My conflict is with man.
He whocannot cut the bread evenly cannot get on well with people.
If necessityis the mother of invention, conflict is its father.
In thebusiness world, everyone is always working at legitimate cross purposes,governed by self interest.
It isthrough cooperation, rather than conflict, that your greatest successes willbe derived.
If you truly want honesty, don't ask questions you don't really want the answer to.
Ifanyone is not willing to accept your point of view, try to see his point of view.
A perfect method for adding drama to life is to wait untilthe deadline looms large.
Living is the art of getting used to what we did'nt expect.
Sometimeswe have the dream but we are not ourselves ready for the dream. We have togrow to meet it.
We owealmost all our knowledge not to those who have agreed but to those who havediffered.
I said to the almond tree, ‘'Friend, speak to me of God,’' and the almond treeblossomed.