Between grief and

Between grief and
Between grief and nothing I will take Grief.

Jan, 21 2012     44 chars (1 sms)     881 views       Quotes

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Folly is perennial and yet the human race has survived
Quite often good things have hurtful consequnces. There are instances of men who have been ruined by their money or killed by their courage.
Onlywhen you can be extremely pliable and soft can you be extremely hard andstrong.
The ultimate measured a man is not where he stands in marents of comfort, but whre he stands at times of challenge & contraversy.
To know the pains of power, we must go to those who haveit; to know its pleasures, we must go to those who are seeking it.
History repeats itself. that's one of the things wrong with history
We arejudged by what we finish, not what we start.
Decisionis the spark that ignites action. Until a decision is made, nothinghappens.... Decision is the courageous facing of issues, knowing that if theyare not faced, problems will remain forever unanswered.
The problem with communication is the illusion that is has occurred.
A newbroom sweeps clean, but an old broom knows the corners.
Only hethat has traveled the road knows where the holes are deep.
Byfailing to prepare you are preparing to fail.