Fanaticism is the

Fanaticism is the
Fanaticism is the false fire of an overheated mind.

Jan, 21 2012     51 chars (1 sms)     898 views       Quotes

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He who asks questions cannot avoid the answers.
Life cannot go on without much forgetting.
Opportunity may be hard to recognize if you are only looking for a lucky break.
You can't unscramble an egg.
Life imitates art far more that art imitates life.
Living is the art of getting used to what we did'nt expect.
Sayingnothing... sometimes says the most.
A clever person turns great troubles into little ones andlittle ones into none at all.
It is easier to discover deficiencies in indivuduals, states and providence than to see their real import and value.
The highest pleasure to be got out of freedom, and having nothing to do, is labour
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