Bekind, for everyone

Bekind, for everyone
Bekind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Jan, 21 2012     56 chars (1 sms)     719 views       Quotes

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A man does not know what he is saying until he knows what he is not saying.
All faults may be forgiven of him who has perfect candour
The ultimate measured a man is not where he stands in marents of comfort, but whre he stands at times of challenge & contraversy.
When you choose the lesses of two evils always remember there is still an evil.
Whenelephants fight, it is the grass who suffers.
Sometimeswe have the dream but we are not ourselves ready for the dream. We have togrow to meet it.
All is riddle, and the key to a riddle is another riddle.
The wise man reads both books and life itself.
Pessimism, when you get used to it, is just as agreeable as optimism.
Anempty sack cannot stand up.
Whenyou're at the edge of a cliff, sometimes progress is a step backwards.
You see what power is holding someone else's fear in your handand showing it to them!