Whenyou lose, don't

Whenyou lose, don't
Whenyou lose, don't lose the lesson.

Jan, 21 2012     36 chars (1 sms)     619 views       Quotes

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Adversityis the foundation of virtue.
It is mark of a good man not to know how to do an injury.
Encouragement after censure is as the sun after a shower.
The surest way to remain poor is to be an honest man.
Whetherit's the best of times or the worst of times, it's the only time we've got.
Themost dramatic conflicts are perhaps, those that take place not between menbut between a man and himselfwhere the arena of conflict is a solitary mind.
If Ishould ever be captured, I want no negotiation—and if I should request anegotiation from captivity they should consider that a sign of duress.
It's notthe will to win, but the will to prepare to win that makes the difference.
The wise man learns more from his enemies than the fool does from his friends.
The past is always dogging our heals, striving ceaselessly to banish the present.
He who hurriescannot walk with dignity.
The mostintense conflicts, if overcome, leave behind a sense of security and calmthat is not easily disturbed. It is just these intense conflicts and theirconflagration which are needed to produce valuable and lasting results.