We willbe known by

We willbe known by
We willbe known by the tracks we leave behind.

Jan, 21 2012     46 chars (1 sms)     708 views       Quotes

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Ignoring is not the same thing as being tolerant
Mediocrity knows nothing higher than itself, but talent instantly recognises genius.
By being pleasant always and smiling, it takes you nearer to God; Nearer than any prayer.
One whodoes not look ahead remains behind.
Thego-between wears out a thousand sandals.
Girls .. . were allowed to play in the house . . . and boys were sent outdoors. . .Boys ran around in the yard with toy guns going kksshh-kksshh,fighting wars for made-up reasons and arguing about whowas dead, while girls stayed inside and played with dol
Youcan't shake hands with a clenched fist.
As long as there is life there is danger.
It isgreed to do all the talking but not to want to listen at all.
In thebusiness world, everyone is always working at legitimate cross purposes,governed by self interest.
I have learned through bitter experience the one supremelesson to conserve my anger, and as heat conserved is transmitted into energy,even so our anger controlled can be transmitted into a power that can movethe world.
Love arrives on tiptoe and bangs the door when it leaves.