Few things help

Few things help
Few things help an individual more than to placeresponsibility upon him, and to let him know that you trust him.

Jan, 20 2012     112 chars (1 sms)     738 views       Quotes

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Who digs a pit for others will fall in themselves.
If you don't know where you're going, you'll end upsomewhere else.
To believein something, and not to live it, is dishonest.
To exaggrerate is to weaken.
Trust begets trust and untrust begets untrust. It'snatural.
Have adialogue between the two opposing parts and you will find that they alwaysstart out fighting each other until we come to an appreciation of difference... a oneness and integration of the two opposingforces. Then the civil war is finished, and your e
Pessimism, when you get used to it, is just as agreeable as optimism.
Pleasure is by no means an infallible critical guide, but it is the least fallible.
Wherethe tongue slips, it speaks the truth.
It is a strange desire, to seek power, and to loseliberty; or to seek power over others, and to lose power over a man's self.
It is a good reader that makes a good book.
Power, however it has evolved, whatever its origins, willnot be given up without a struggle.