The exercise of power is

The exercise of power is
The exercise of power is determined by thousands ofinteractions between the world of the powerful and that of the powerless, allthe more so because these worlds are never divided by a sharp line: everyonehas a small part of himself in both.

Jan, 20 2012     240 chars (2 sms)     648 views       Quotes

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Reasonguides but a small part of man, and the rest obeys feeling, true or false,and passion, good or bad.
Every age thinks its battle the most important of all.
Anempty sack cannot stand up.
Worry is a circle of inefficient thoughts whirling about a point of fear.
We mustbe part of the general staff at the inception, rather than the ambulancedrivers at the bitter end.
Whodigs a pit for others will fall in themselves.
Work without faith is like at attempt to reach a bottom-less pit.
Neverforget the power of silence, that massively disconcerting pause which goes onand on and may at last induce an opponent to babble and backtrack nervously.
It'snot the plan that is important, it's the planning.
Keep things informal. Talking is the natural way to do business. Writing is greatfor keeping records and putting down details, but talk generates ideas. Greatthings come from our luncheon meetings which consist of a sandwich, a cup ofsoup, and a good idea
Science has achieved more for the emancipation of masses than the wisdom of sages.
Out of the fullness of the heart the mouth speaks.