You may be deceived

You may be deceived
You may be deceived if you trust too much, but you willlive in torment if you don't trust enough.

Jan, 20 2012     97 chars (1 sms)     1273 views       Quotes

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Nature's instructions are always slow, those of men are generally premature.
It is in our idleness, in our dreams, that submerged truth sometimes comes to top.
If a man is prodigal, he cannot be truly generous
The good neighbour looks beyond the external accidents and discerns those inner qualities that make all men human, and therefore, brothers.
It'snot the will to win, but the will to prepare to win that makes thedifference.
The greatest intelligence is precisely the one that suffers most from its own limitations.
Life only demands from you the strength you posses
Fanaticism is the false fire of an overheated mind.
Don'tjudge a book by its cover.
Nine times out of ten, we are disappointed in life because we don't ask enough of it.
A good listeneris not only popular everywhere, but after a while he gets to know something.
A wide screen just makes a bad film twice as bad.