Santa & Banta got tired of mobile & decide 2 use pigeons. 1day a pigeon reaches Banta without message. Angry Banta calls Santa! Santa: Oye, this was a missed call
santa banta go for fishing. They catch a lot of fish and return to shore. santa says: "I hope u remember the spot where we caught all those fish." banta answers: "Yes, I made'X' on the side of the boat to mark the spot." "You idiot!" replies santa." how do u know u will get the same boat tomorrow."
Judge: You are charged with throwing your mother-in-law out of your fourth-story window. Banta: I did it without thinking, your Honor. Judge: Thats no excuse! Don't you see how dangerous it might have been for anyone passing by at the time?
bantaji went 2 bank 4 account opening. He took 1 form and went to Delhi 4 filling up the form. Do u no y ? Bcoz in the form he saw "write in capital"!!!
Banta Singh finished his English exam and came out. His friends asked him how he had fared. He replied, "Exam was okay, except for the past tense of 'think'. I thought, thought, thought and at last, I wrote 'thunk'
Jeeto: U tell a man something, it goes in one ear & comes out of the other. Santa: U tell a woman something, it goes in both ears & comes out of the mouth