A sardar looking at

A sardar looking at
A sardar looking at d sky asks anothr sardaIs that the sun or d moon?Othr sardar replies: Oye! No Idea. Im new to this c..

Jan, 17 2012     122 chars (1 sms)     734 views       Jokes > Santa Banta

more Santa Banta SMS Messages

Santa in Bio practical exam.Prof: Tell d birds name by seeing its leg.Snta: I don't know.Prof: U faild. Wat's ur name?Snta: C my Leg & TELL...!:
Teacher: Why are you late? santa: Because of the sign. Teacher: What sign? santa: The one that says, "School Ahead, Go Slow."
A sardarji had a daily routine, going to office in bus and then returning home by it. One day he got late for the bus to return home. He ran after the bus and reached home running and huffing. After reaching his house he told his wife that he had saved Rs.3 by running after the bus and reaching home. Instead of getting an acknowledgementhe got a huge slap from his wife. Sardarji was puzzled? He asked his wife that why did she slap him. Her reply was, 'Ig you had run after a taxi you could have saved Rs.70 instead of Rs.3!
A teacher told all students in a class to write an essay on a cricket match. All were busy writing except Santa. He wrote "DUE TO RAIN, NO MATCH!"
Santa bought a car on loan… He didn’t pay the dues, the bank took away his car.Santa: If I knew this, I,d have taken a loan for my marriage also.
A man:SANTA ur son diedHearing dis he jumps frm 50th floor35th floor he realizes:I dont hav a son20th:I'm not married&3rd:Shit I'm banta
Santa was writing something very slowly. Banta asked: "Why are you writing so slowly?" Santa: "I'm writing to my 6 yr old son, he can't read very fast
Teacher: I want you to tell me the longest sentence you can think of. Pappu: Life imprisonment!
Santa Singh decided to start a chicken farm so he bought a hundred chicks to begin with. A month later he returned to the dealer for another hundred chicks because all of the first lot had died. Another month later he was back at the dealers for another hundred chicks, for the second lot had also died. 'But I think I know where I'm going wrong,' said Santa. 'I think I'm planting them too deep.'
Santa: My mother-in-law was bitten by a mad dog! Banta: Oh! That’s terrible. Santa: Yes, it was sad to watch the dog die in convulsions
Santa: I’m a proud father. My son is in medical college. Banta: What’s he studying?" Santa: He's not studying, they are studying him!
Maths teacher was teaching mathematical conversions.. TeacheIf 1000 kgs=ton then 3000 kgs equal how much ?Santa: Ton.! Ton.!Ton.!..