What we love

What we love
What we love determines the decisions that we make and the direction in life that we take. "Good Morning"

Jan, 16 2012     105 chars (1 sms)     988 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Feelng grateful or appreciativ of someone or something in ur life, actualy attracts more of d thngs that u appreciate&value into ur life.GM
(G)od(O)ffers us(O)utstanding(D)evotion 2(M)ake us(O)bedient &(R)eady 4(N)ew day 2(I)nitiate(N)ew Aim 4 the(G)lory of Life.GD MG.
Before u speak – Listen Before u spend – Earn Before u write – Think Before u criticize – Wait Before u pray – Forgive Before u Quit – Try Before u Die – Live. Gd mrng
It feels Good to stAnd on Ground And wAtch up high at your Aim..But it feels the best When you stAnd up High And Others wAtch u as their Aim..! Think
I've found that luck is quite predictable. If you want more luck, take more chances. Be more active. Show up more often." Good Morning
Life is a "XXX"Yesterday is a Xperience,2day is a Xperiment,2morow is Xpectation..So Use ur Xperience In ur Xperiment to Achieve ur Xpectation.GM
A Blind Person asked Swami Vivekanand: "Can there be any thing worse than losing you Sight ?" He replied: "Yes, losing your VISION ......gd mrng
If every rain drops would b1of ur smile, i wish that it rains heavily through out. So that there is no space for tears in ur life. B hapy always..Gd MRNG
when something valuable is near us,we wont care 4 it.But when we miss that precious thng we start feeling 4 it"So care 4 those who care 4 u.GD MRNG
Shakespeare said "One beautiful Heart is equal 2 thousand beautiful faces. So better choose gud Heart rather than beautiful faces."gd mrng
My SMILE is more loud then MUSICwhich can even be heard in silencei dont like to miss YOU because u r too much close to my heart alwaysGOOD MORNING. Have a nice day
Meethi neend Meethe khwaab,Ho Gaya savera ab to jago janab.Chand bhi chup gaya fir rat K intezar Me,1 naya din shuru karo apni manzil ki talash Me.