Missed calls Reachs the Mobile.Recivd Call Reaches the Ears.But my msg Reaches Ur Beautiful Eyes & Loveable Heartz.So!I Always Like 2 Send MSGs.GD MRNG
When you run so fast to get somewhere,you miss the fun of getting there. Life is not a race, so take it slower. Hear the music before the song is over.GD MRNG
Thought of the day-Think twice before leaving a space in someones heart, bcoz its difficult to realize the pain when u see someone else filling ur space..!:.GM
Anger is a "wide ball" leave it.Fear is "no ball" let it.Smile is a "sixer"-hit it.Friendship is a "wicket" get it.Failure is a "bouncer"-Forget it.Problem is a "yorker" face it.Success is "century" make it.Luck is a "free hit" use it.Than u can rock the IPL of the life.gm
May your salty day be peppered with spicy love. May u bask in lemon sunshine, play on strawberry fields, under a vanilla sky. In short have a Yummy day!