A lot of things go unquestioned, Lot of question go unanswered. A few words go unsaid, Few go unheard. Some dreams r buried alive, Some r born dead. That’s life !!!gd mrng
4 a relation to work u need 2: Care bout each other. Respect each others needs. Communicate wid each other. B truthful wid each other on all things big & small. Commitment 2 each other & ur relationship.GD MRNG
"Whn lot's of people start 2 love u,U may get confused whom 2 love,Just tel them i hate u,Every one wil get back but not the person who loves u truly.G'Mrng
Never let dreams die, for if you do, life will only be a broken-winged bird that cannot fly. Keep your heart open to dreams. For as long as there's a dream, there is hope, andas long as there is hope, there is joy in living.'**** GOOD MORNING
Worlds best saying by Henry Ford- "Progress is not made by early risers or hard workers, but by lazy people, who find easier ways to do the difficult things".GM
Gud mrng d sun is up time 2 fill ur coffe cup. d day is new & how it will be is up 2 u. makes plan 2 purse what it is that u seek so that u can stand on d highest peak filled wd delight hv a fantastic day