"Share all you

"Share all you
"Share all you have with the needy so that no one feels deprived and neglected.GD MRNG

Jan, 16 2012     86 chars (1 sms)     766 views       Greeting > Good Morning

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The gift of true frndship is that it takes us by the hand n reminds us,we r not alone in the journey of life.Gud mrng n have a nice day...
the happiness of life is made up of minute fractions ~ a smile, a kind look, a heartfelt complaint, or the little, unforgettable moments of fun.GD MRNG
An interesting thought-Life is like this:"Just when we get all the answers of life… God wil change the question paper itself.."Life is Always unknown.GM
When Kids learn to walk, they keep falling; but to them its not failing, its learning.So there's nothing called failure. Evrythng is a Lesson.GooD MorninG
Don't only be close with someone who makes u happy.B close with sum1 who can't b hapy without U,it makes a lot of difference in life:GM
life spent with sumone 4 a lifetime maybe meaningless but few moments spent with sumone who realy likes u is morethan life itself..good morning.have a nice day
When love is unknown for you,you know what is HAPPINESS..when you know love,you know wat is PAIN,ven u loose luv,u know what is "LIFE".gd mrng
Do U Know Y Car's Front Glass Is Large & D Rear View Mirror Is Small?Bcz Future Is more Imprtnt Than Past,Look Ahead Wid Bigger View & MoveOn.GM
D shortest distance between a problem & its solutions is the distance between your knees & the floor. The one who kneels to GOD can stand up to anything!!gd mrng
Life Laughs At u, Wen u r Unhappy, Life Smiles At u wen u r Happy, But Life Salutes u Wen u Make Others Happy..Good Morning
Success without honor is an unreasoned dish,it will satisfy your hunger,but it wont taste good.good morning
I luv the people like u who luv others like me & make others like me to luv others like u. Think again there is a wonderful meaning… Take Care.GD MRNG