GreAt Thought:

GreAt Thought:
GreAt Thought: "MAke ur Anger So Expensive thAt no one cAn Afford it & mAke ur HAppiness So cheAp thAt people Get it For Free From U..!GM

Jan, 16 2012     137 chars (1 sms)     806 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

TRUST is a betr complmnt than LUV Bcoz u may not alwys trust d prson u love, but u can alwys lov d prsn whom u trust Gud morning
Missed calls Reachs the Mobile.Recivd Call Reaches the Ears.But my msg Reaches Ur Beautiful Eyes & Loveable Heartz.So!I Always Like 2 Send MSGs.GD MRNG
Every king was once a crying baby and every great building was once a blueprint.It's not where u r today, but where u'll reach tomorrow, that counts.Gud morn.
Making everyone happy in the world is impossible. Atleast make the one happy who is being with u, by your love, affection and sweet smile.Good morning.
when i woke up early morning birds were singing i asked them i m missing a sweet voice in u a bird replied: u still havn’t said good morning to taht sweet Angel….so GooD MorninG sweet heart
WAVES are inspiring not because they RISE and FALL but because each time they FALL they NEVER FAIL to RISE AGAIN. Have a RISING LIFE. GOOD MORNING
Anger is a Condition in which the tongue works faster than the mind. Smile is an action which makes everything work faster except the tongue.G.D.
People who drink to drown their sorrows should be told that sorrows know how to mrng
GOD is like a software. He 'enters' ur life, 'scans' ur problems,'edits' ur tension, 'downloads' solutions, 'deletes' ur worries & 'saves'u!GD MRNG
Never get Tired of Doing Little Things for others Becoz sometimes those little things occupy the Biggest part in their Heart..GM
Whn V Wr Kids,V Cudnt Wait2Grow Up Now GrownUp & Realise Tht Wounded Knees & Broken Toys Wr Better Thn Wounded Emotions & Broken Hearts.GM
The fruit of silence is PRAYER The fruit of prayer is FAITH The fruit of faith is LOVE The fruit of love is SERVICE The fruit of service is PEACE .gd mrng