This is a chocolate

This is a chocolate
This is a chocolate msg for a dairy milk person from a fivestar friend for a melody reason at a kitkat time on a munch day in a perk mood. Gud MRNG.

Jan, 16 2012     148 chars (1 sms)     5566 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Sometime words are not comfortable to express our feelings. But our true lovable ones understand our feelings without any words.....!!!Gudmorning
Never search happiness in others, This will make you to feel alone. But search it in yours self, You will feel happy even you are left mrng
watch d ants crawl up d wall..U notice dat no mattr hw busy dey r dey stil stop&wish 1 anothr.Hop v can b lik dem-in touch 4evr.. gud day!
You should be either in a part of problem or you should be either in a part of solution so start u r day in ur own style.. good morning
A cup of hot hello's, A plate of crispy wishes, A spoon of sweet smiles and A slice of great success, hope this snacks makes ur day lovely colorful morng,
PLeasure In Ur Heart;Warmth InUr Soul;Success InUr Life;SmiLe On Ur Face;Fragrance Of Love InUr Home;May These Be Ur's ForEver:GooD MorninG.
We live in our dreams, but dreams may die, don’t get shattered, never ever cry, the world is big & has lots to give, pick up a new dream, that's the way to live.GM
v cannot choose 2 b born,v canot choose our parents,v cannot chose our history,but in a choiceless society,v can chose 2 live honorably or dishonorably,v can live courageously or in cowardice,v can liv with purpose or drift,but in the end,forming our destiny is what ambition is al about.GM
A clay pot that contains milk, will be ranked higher than a golden pot that contains poison.Its not our outer glamour but our inner self makes us valuable.
A good plan for today is better than a great plan for tommorow. Look backward with satisfaction and look forward with confidence..GMrng!
Dastak di kisi ne kaha khushiya laya ho, i nbox chota na pad jaye itni doaein laya hu naam hai sms aapko GOOD MORNING kahne aaya hu.
Smile increases value of face, Anger spoils beauty of soul, Faith is force of life, Confidence is companion of success, So keep mrng