What V have

What V have
What V have 4 ourslves dies with us but what V hav done 4 othrs remains 4ever V make a LIVING by what V get but V make a LIFE by what V Give.GD MRNG

Jan, 16 2012     148 chars (1 sms)     921 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Take but GIVE more. Hate but LOVE more. Order but AGREE more. Talk but LISTEN more. Forget but FORGIVE more & IT Will Come Back to U.Gd mg
Happiness always looks small when you hold it in your hands ... But when you learn to share it , you will realize how big and precious it is!! Gd mrng
A night hug warms the heart, a night kiss brightens the day, and a gd morning to start your day!
Dntgo4luks they can deceive Dntgo4wealth in end it fadesaway Go4sum1 who makes u smile bcoz ittakes onlysmile 2make dark day bright GM
When u Need Someone to Be Beside u And No One Is Around Just Gaze Up In The Sky,u Might Not See Me But Be Sure That We r Under The Same Sky,Id Never B 2 Far…GD MRNG
People who give importance to their happiness make other peoples unhappy from themselves. Good Morning
The value of any relation is not hw much one feels happy with someone but it is the emptyness dat one feels without someone...G'Mrng!
Silent lips may avoid many problems & Smiling lips will solve many problems.So, always have a cute little smile on your face.Gud day!G'Mrg
Relationship doesnt get closer by meetngs, but it is sweetend by THOUGHTS. I care 4 u in my own STRANGE ways. Maybe u'll never know, Perhaps I'll nvr show.
The Breeze has awakened the Earth & the Sun has coloured our world. The birds have added melody to the morning & I hope I'm not late to wish U Gud Morning.
Ae Hawa Ye Raat Ye Zindagi Teri Ek Nazar Pe Nisar Hai Mujhe Kyon Na Ho Teri Aarzoo Teri Justju Mein Bahar Hai gud morning
Hi here's a cup of coffee just for you. I have added 1 huge hug 2 big kisses 3 servings of love Hope that stirs your heart today .gd mrng