Every Girl is Smart,

Every Girl is Smart,
Every Girl is Smart, Intelligent, Sweet, Talented, Excellent, Romantic., In Short form, they all are your S.I.S.T.E.R.

Jan, 14 2012     118 chars (1 sms)     783 views       General

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Sumtimes I don’t say HI Sumtimes I don’t REPLY Sumtimes I don’t MSG U but dat dosnt mean i 4GOT uBcoz I'm LAZYjust like U.
Thought for the day , Never cry when you are in LOVE.B’coz for thee one whom you cry, doesn’t deserve your tears.And the one who deserves it, will never let you CRY….
SORRY Dont get confused, arey baba 'SORRY' means S - SOME O - ONE'S R - REALLY, R - REMEMBERING Y - YOU.
Imp of thumb:Babies use it 4 chewing..Illiterate Ppl use it 4sign..Winners use it 4 victory..&my fans use it 4 readng my msgs..Oh..u too..??Crazy fans!
When ur life is in darkness pray 2 God ask him 2 free u 4rm darkness & if aftr u pray & u r still in darkness,pls pay ur ELECTRICITY BILL!
Why do women wear watches on their right hand and men on their left hand?To see the time!!
A modern employer is one who is looking for men between the ages of 25 and 30 with 40 years of experience.
A good friend is one who takes bail if u r in jail .......... But a true friend is one who sits besides u in jail and ask u "MAMU BIDI HAI KYA"
The length & breadth & height of you total up to quite a view, but to taste the true delight of you I’ll have to take a bite of you.
SMOKE everyday! SMOKE means, S Send M Me O One K Kool S SMS E Everyday! So,Please kindly feel free to SMOKE..Better, be a chain smoker
D R I N K D-elicious after 1 Peg. R-omantic after 2 Peg. I-ntresting aftr 3 Peg N-aughty aftr 4 Peg K-ing aftr 5 Peg
The time since i met u, i have realisd dat A frnd like you is worth million dollars. So, if u dont mind........... bech du kya?