Dear customer

Dear customer
Dear customer,your bathing date validity for one year is expired 2day. So kindly RE-BATH within 1 hour and get two years validity.HURRY-UP.

Jan, 14 2012     139 chars (1 sms)     834 views       General

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Today, tommorow and yesterday there will be one heart that would always beat for you You know Whose??? your Own Stupid!!!
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*One* * Special * * Surprise 4 u * @Close ur Eyes@ 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 u cheat! u didn't close ur eyes. so no surprise
"Love is like a long sweet dream" n Marriage is an alarm clock." so hv sweet dreams til ur alarm wakes u up. "HAPPY UNMARRIED LIFE" So.....Enjy it..