BALANCE SHEET of Life:Birth- Opening. Balance. Death- Closing Bal.Soul- Fixed Asset.Brain- F.D. Heart- Current Asset.Idea- Current A/C.Achievment- Capital.Character- Clossng. Stock.Friends - Gen. Reserve.Behaviour-Goodwill.Patience - Interest Earned.Love- Dividend.Children- Bonus. IssueEducation-PatentsWisdom-Investment.Exp.- Premium A/C.WISH YOU A HAPPY NEW FINANCIAL YEAR
U r the ACCENT of my Life, ALTO of my Dreams, IKON of my Eyes, ZEN of my Thoughts, INDICA of my Joy, LANCER of my Heart. Can anyone clear this TRAFFIC JAM plzz
My Smile + my Joy + my Pleasure + my Life +my Love+ my Relief + my Honour & my Pride = Your 1 SMS.Ab socho app ke SMS ki Keemat..So,sms me everyminute..
A famouz quote written at Tokyo buz stand:" Only buz stopz here,not time.So dont wazte your time,keep movin with your dutiez &work,Coz time never waitz"