A Person Who Asks

A Person Who Asks
A Person Who Asks A Question Is A Fool For Five Minutes. A Person Who Doesn't Is A Fool Forever

Jan, 14 2012     95 chars (1 sms)     796 views       General

more General SMS Messages

Dear MARIE, Yesterday was a very GOOD DAY. Our meeting was TRULY NICE But the chance of success of our love is 50 50.
I Love u.I Love u.I Love uI Love u.I Love u.I Love u.OH SHIT..Oh shit..RASNA bolna to bhool hi gaya I Love u RASNA:
I Met Money & Said U R Just A Piece 0f Paper; Money SmiLed n Said; 0f Course I M Piece 0f Paper; But I Havn't Seen A DustbinFor Me Yet...
New Concept of Life Morning = MANDIR Evening = M_A_D_I_R_A Night = M_A_N_D_I_R_A
Life without ur SMS is Tea W/o sugar, Coffee W/o milk, Bread W/o butter,Salad W/o onion, Candy W/o cream, Chicken W/o spice, Icecream W/o ice, ME W/o U!
Only the open heart receives love, only the open mind receives wisdom, only the open hand receives gifts and only the cute persons receive SMS from me!
The world's thinnest book has only one word written in it: "Everything". And the book is titled: "What Woman Wants!"
Conversions to be remembered 4 lifetime: 100cm= 1m 100ps= 1Rs 100kg=1quintal 100gods=1mother, and most importantly 100 devils= 1 girlfriend
D se Dosti, D se Dushmani, D se Dil, D se Dard, D se Diwangi, par D se itne bhi Dur na ho jana ki D se Dekh bhi na sake, SAMJHE D se DEAR.
MASTi lyf me Hoti he,Knife se nai,BHAKTI man me Hoti he,MANDIR me nai,Aap b Jan lo DOSTI sMs karne se Badti he,Sirf PADNE SE nai.
These are some of the romantic countries in the world. H.O.L.L.A.N.D. - Hope Our Love Lasts And Never Dies. I.T.A.L.Y. - I Trust And Love You. L.I.B.Y.A. - Love Is Beautiful; You Also. F.R.A.N.C.E. - Friendships Remain And Never Can End....
Jawaab To Mil Jate hai, Kabhi Difficult Sawaal To Bhejo.... Forward To Bahut Karte Ho, Kabhi Khud Ka Khayal To Bhejo