When a man meets

When a man meets
When a man meets his mates society begins.

Jan, 21 2012     42 chars (1 sms)     637 views       Quotes

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Nevermiss a good chance to shut up.
Whenmen and women agree, it is only in their conclusions; their reasons arealways different.
Speech is of time; silence is of eternity.
Resolvingconflict is rarely about who is right. It is about acknowledgment andappreciation of differences.
Power tires only those who do not have it.
Concentrated power is not rendered harmless by the goodintentions of those who create it.
Silence, along with modesty, is a great aid to conversation.
Discord gives a relish to concord.
Mandoes not live by words alone, despite the fact that sometimes he has to eatthem.
Wisdomis what you get for a lifetime of listening when you'd have preferred totalk.
You can't unscramble an egg.
Ninety-ninepercent of all problems in communications start with misunderstandings whichdevelop as a result of differing viewpoints and conditioning.