I have discovered

I have discovered
I have discovered the art of deceiving diplomats. I speakthe truth, and they never believe me.

Jan, 20 2012     94 chars (1 sms)     733 views       Quotes

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Cheat me in the price but not in the goods i purchase.
It is a strange desire to seek power and to lose liberty,or to seek power over others and to lose power over a man's self.
It was impossible to get a conversation going, everybody was talking too much.
Onehour of thoughtful solitude may nerve the heart for days of conflict girdingup its armor to meet the most insidious foe.
Man alone contains within himself as many species as exist on earth.
Ourlives are not dependent on whether or not we have conflict. It is what we dowith conflict that makes the difference.
One person with a belief is a social power equal to nintynine who have only interest.
Anempty sack cannot stand up.
It is easier to be brave from a safe distance.
Marriagemeans expectations and expectations mean conflict.
He understands badly who listens badly.
If you are patient in a moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow.