Feeling of love + moments of caring + choti-choti sharing + stupid fights + shouldrs 2 cry + 2 b together in pain Creates a miracle called "FrIeNdShIp".
If I could pull down the rainbow I would write ur name with it & put it back in the sky to let everybody know how colorful my life is with a friend like u!!
The hardest part of missing friends is not their absence,it’s when you think of all those good times and ask yourself, will those moments ever happen again
Sum frens r separated by time, sum by differences, sum by distance, sum by pride, but no matter how far u r and how busy we may be u’ll always b special 2 me.
thE tEst oF fRiEndsHip dOseN't cOmeS wHen u R 2GethEr. It cOmEs wHeN u ParT waYs & u ReaLizE tHat dEsPitE tHe dIsTanCe, thE fRiEndshIp iS sTilL tHeRe...